home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- (
- the
- #
- sprite
- true
- false
- return
- enter
- tab
- backSpace
- quote
- not
- *
- /
- mod
- +
- -
- &
- &&
- <
- >
- <>
- <=
- >=
- contains
- starts
- =
- and
- or
- char
- word
- item
- line
- field
- ,
- then
- else
- empty
- )
- method
- of
- to
- if
- me
- off
- macro
- factory
- while
- repeat
- end
- with
- movie
- type
- castNum
- top
- left
- width
- height
- linesize
- ink
- mouseUp
- mouseDown
- keyDown
- within
- intersects
- done
- frame
- into
- nosound
- byFrame
- click
- clickStop
- loop
- noUpdate
- sync
- tempo
- whatfits
- mnew
- mname
- mdescribe
- matframe
- right
- bottom
- locv
- loch
- pattern
- transition
- palette
- sound
- editableText
- moveableSprite
- pause
- timeout
- label
- puppet
- immediate
- forecolor
- backcolor
- stretch
- cursor
- text
- hilite
- cast
- mverb
- mdispose
- mget
- mput
- super
- noflush
- xcmdglue
- midiStart
- midiStop
- midiContinue
- midiBeat
- midiSong
- midiSongpointer
- constraint
- mPerform
- mActivate
- mUpdate
- mIdle
- mMouseDown
- mMouseUp
- mKeyDown
- mStartUp
- mQuit
- playRect
- mEvent
- on
- mOpenEditor
- mCloseEditor
- mSetText
- mGetText
- noclear
- mVerbDispose
- startScript
- version
- mRespondsTo
- mInstanceRespondsTo
- mMessageList
- chars
- words
- items
- lines
- picture
- in
- mSelect
- mCastInfo
- mPerformOther
- before
- after
- idle
- startMovie
- stopMovie
- stepMovie
- fadeIn
- fadeOut
- stop
- playFile
- playCast
- name
- textStyle
- textFont
- textHeight
- textAlign
- textSize
- castmembers
- center
- plain
- bold
- italic
- underline
- outline
- shadow
- condense
- extend
- mSetHandler
- menu
- menus
- menuItem
- menuItems
- mAtTransition
- mCanDoTrans
- mTransDial
- resource
- trails
- duration
- controller
- directToStage
- visibility
- size
- movieRate
- movieTime
- volume
- startTime
- stopTime
- poster